Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Starting to feel like home :)

I've only been here for three weeks, but this foreign place is finally starting to feel like home. I'm beginning to understand some of the language, know most of the main streets, I'm not always sweating like a beast, and my schedule is starting to be consistent. I'm super blessed because there is a handful of American missionaries here doing similar work, so there is a bit of community here for me too. It's just starting to feel nice to be comfortable here.

There is a ministry here working with the people living in the slums. It's pretty cool how open everyone is to a group of Christians coming in and loving on them. I just can't imagine going into "the hood" in the US with gifts, ministering to the poor of America and it going well. I know there are ministries that do that sort of thing, but it just seems it wouldn't be easy and it takes quite a bit of safety precautions. I'm sure there are precautions and relationships were cultivated to make this ministry happen, but I'm just overwhelmed with how open Thai people are to help, Jesus, and unadulterated love from another. It's refreshing. At home, Bible studies are getting broken up because of HOA and city "regulations" defining it to be a church (never mind the Bill of Rights and that our country was founded by Jesus loving Christians subtracting one), people protest crucifixes in public cemeteries that have been there for decades, and "under God" is being taken out of the pledge of allegiance. It's just refreshing to be in a society where we are accepted.

I sometimes feel like the only religion it's okay to attack is Christianity. Mention the name of Jesus or break out your Bible in the wrong place in the "Land of the Free" and someone might get offended. It's becoming clearer to me that Jesus is probably offensive to the ones who need Him most. A lot of these Thai girls know they are looking for a savior and are pleasantly surprised to find that He is with them; always has and always will be regardless if they believe or not. It's a relief when they hear they are open to have a deep and meaningful relationship with the savior of mankind and He will never disappoint them. To the many who have had absent and abusive fathers (or father figures), it's wonderful news that the God of the universe wants them to call him their Daddy so He can love on them like His little princess. It's the only way I see to be whole.

I'm so happy to be here and to be able to grow like I am. I'm even more thankful that when we were not lovely, God made us lovely.

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