Friday, September 23, 2011


Today was full of Divine appointments. All OVER the place today, the Lord pasted each person together to be used for His Glory. Let me tell you how...

This morning, I was feeling so homesick and to be honest, marinating in a little bit of self-pity because I was disappointed I couldn't be stronger. I was feeling a little emotional and tender, but I got ready for my day after a pretty sleepless night. Each night has been worse and worse where I wake up scared. I'm never sure what I'm scared of or why I'm feeling scared, but my nights here are restless most of the time. This is abnormal for me. Usually, I fall asleep in less than one minute from my head hitting the pillow and I stay asleep all night long.... like a baby... and that's an awesome norm. Anyway, I wasn't feeling great as I left my apartment to go get some work done at the Tamar center. I love going there because the girls working are so kind and helpful.

Once I got off the Song Teaw (the main mode of transportation which is basically a truck with two benches and a roof covering) and started to walk toward Tamar, I felt like the day was going to turn around. I got in, ordered my coffee and began my work when God's Divine appointment walked through the door. I had met this amazing couple earlier this past November when me and my team were delivering our first pilot training program. They had just moved to Thailand to do radical healing and deliverance. I began to talk to them and ask them about their time here. I realized I've never really understood what "deliverance" is. As they began to tell me about what happens (hissing, pointy snake tongues, crazy eyes, screaming, etc.) we heard this GIANT scream from in the back of the Tamar center. The couple said that it is either someone goofing around or someone who needed deliverance. We went about our conversation when the co-founder of Tamar came out to ask if they knew anything about deliverance. Sure enough, we were able to go see the woman and I was able to witness my first deliverance. It was pretty darn wild because exactly what they had just been telling me happened, complete with pointy tongues. If anyone has any doubt that demonic presence is real, they should witness a deliverance. About 4 and a half hours later, she was like a different person completely. There is a REAL battle between good and evil and the award is your soul. That's so crazy!

Anyway, That was one giant Divine appointment. The rest of the day, we went to eat together and go to a worship time together. It was a good day. Thank GOD for His Divine appointments. It's days like these that make me feel like this is exactly where I need to be. Praise the Lord!


  1. Wow that's amazing! I can relate but not to that degree. I'm soo glad God is protecting my dear friend and the people you are serving. I know god has a plan and it sounds like every day he reveals more and more what that plan is. You are missed and loved!

  2. wow Collyn! That's intense! I've never experienced anything like that, though have heard about it. Keep your eyes and heart focused on the Lord! You're doing great things!

  3. Thanks ladies!!! It's been so nuts to experience this, but it's just further confirmation that God wants me here. Thank you for your support and love! It lifts me up :)


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