Sunday, October 23, 2011

How can computer geeks be sexy? Take down child porn sites & leak names!!!!

Step #1: Read this article.

Step #2: Read my raw reaction:

This hits me on so many levels. I love this. I love these men. Woah, control yourself, Collyn! Phew! Okay, so as you may or may not know, the future of human trafficking lies in the nooks and crannies of the Internet. These criminals are somehow smart and know how to use technology to harm the most precious and vulnerable: Children. Bottom line is that it pisses me off that they get away with it. It makes me mad that there is a demand for this filth. That's why we need our virtual white knights to come and save the day. *HIGH-FIVE*

I couldn't even reading through article (the technical parts) without getting a little lost. I'm not by any means a computer wiz, but I know my way around and can figure out how to do most intermediate tasks. I am not, however, able to hack anything other than a coconut (to get it's delicious water and meat... bad joke). I can't do those things, but I'm SO GLAD that there are people out there who know how to get it done. I applaud anyone who uses their skills, whether it be crazy computer skills or they know how to connect the right people, to do their part to end human trafficking. It's your job to speak out and SPEAK UP for the least and the lost. Yeah! I love these guys! I'd like to high-five them or hug them or something! WOO HOO!!!

**I wrote this very late at night, so please excuse the poor writing. Thank you :)

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