Friday, January 20, 2012

Belated December Newsletter

I started this journey to Thailand with the understanding that I was doing exactly what God was asking of me. When my friends, family, and supporters asked me how long I was going for, I always said that I would be there as long as I was meant to be. I never wanted to be anywhere I wasn't supposed to be. I intended to come alongside dedicated Thai nationals to share my experience and help wherever I could. I've always felt so lucky to be a part of a project that has been a dream for such a long time. The leaders of Global Breakthrough and Overlake Christian Church's Serve the World team have done an excellent job selecting individuals on the Thai team that are capable of making the project soar. In fact, our Thai director has the leadership skills, vision, passion, and experience to make BHC wildly successful. This success is not, and has never been contingent on my presence in Thailand. I've observed how effectively Thai people are able to help their own without the help of a farang (foreigner). My main purpose and desire for this trip was to aid in setting up a microfinance infrastructure that can be self-sustained by the Thai nationals as well as to create a business development project. I can proudly share that the Thai nationals team has plans to sustain both.

The goal all along was to create a system that the Thai people could self-sustain. If anything, my experience in Thailand has taught me how much more equipped Thai people are to help their own people than foreigners. The Thai culture is such an intricate puzzle that is difficult for a westerner to comprehend. Basic interactions are laden with enigmatic social cues that, to a western eye, are easy to miss. Upon this realization, I felt confirmed by our model which is to encourage nationals to run their own projects. They offer an ownership that foreigners can't realize. They are driven by their faith in God, patriotism for their nation, and most importantly, a deep love for their fellow Thai people.

In the same way I've recognized these ideas, I've realized my own responsibility as an American to help my own people. The American culture is in my blood. I understand the sociological norms and I know how to lead and motivate my peers. As many of you know, the problem of human trafficking is alive and well within the land of the free. The culture and context are different, but in the end they are all the same in that innocent and beautiful women are being bought and sold.

With that I would like to ask you for your trust and open-mindedness as I disclose the most recent twist to my adventure. I have decided to stay in Seattle and continue this journey here. So much of my personality is surrounded by my spontaneous nature. I want to be an active participant in a beautiful adventure that impacts many lives. God is asking me to start a new adventure here in my own country; an opportunity which affords me the tools to tackle human trafficking from a new and much needed perspective.

While I thought my move to Thailand was the start of a grand new journey, I now realize it was merely the prologue. My journey begins now, as I take what God placed on my heart in Thailand and integrate it into my journey here at home in Seattle. I have many challenges facing me. For example, I need to find a job that will support me and enable me to remain a dedicated part of the Global Breakthrough team. Your prayers in these needs and your prayers for peace as God guides me on this journey is very much appreciated.

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