Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Convicted Felon or Kidnapped Victim?

Here in Thailand, there is one TV channel in English that is even mildly entertaining. This channel is the "Universal Channel" and it is perpetually playing "Law and Order" episodes as well as other doctor/hospital shows. What I have found endlessly interesting is a particular episode of "Law and Order" named "Hot Pursuit" which aired November 8th, 1995. The episode is centered around the main character, Amanda Peet, who was kidnapped six months earlier, raped, held captive, and forced to do everything her captor told her to do. Unfortunately, that involved the robbing of two stores and the murdering of 4 people. What I find so interesting about this episode is how the legal system (on the show) treated Peet. Instead of looking at Peet as the victim suffering from extreme trauma and Stockholm Syndrom, among other issues, she was looked at as a criminal.

The prosecuting attorney asked questions like, "Why didn't you run away when you were alone?" and "Were you intimate with your alleged abductor?" They questioned her for seeming to be affectionate with her abductor when out together. What they didn't understand is that when someone is held by fear, they can be coerced to do pretty much anything. Much like what the LRA does when abducting child soldiers. They make an example out of a few, making brothers maim and murder their family, killing a few, raping the girls, so that the rest will follow the leader's directions.  Can the children taken by the LRA REALLY be held accountable for the horrific acts their leaders tell them? Just the same, could a girl kidnapped, raped, and terrified be held accountable for her actions while her abductor has a loaded gun to her back?

In the episode, she was convicted for the four murders to the fullest extent. I know this is only tv, but I find this interesting because I'm sure there are so many cases that have been tried like this one and outcome was just the same. I guess this is my point: I hope that there is a huge mindset shift in the future. I hope that those who are kidnapped, trafficked, victimized, and marginalized are heard in the future. I hope that they are heard today. I hope for compassion to help law enforcement understand that there is little to no choice when someone is kidnapped.

I'm not an expert on this subject, but I do know what I have observed in my journey of becoming a modern-day abolitionist. These are only my opinions and observations.  

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