Monday, October 17, 2011

The Brainwashing Begins

Technically, I’m staying in a village in Khorat. The house I’m staying in is far nicer and more stylish than other houses (see previous post). During a relaxing morning, Poo and I took a stroll around the village. She was able to tell me that this village seemed a lot better than other villages, particularly her village. People seem happy, there are many brick houses, and people are friendly with each other. Of course, I’m thinking to myself, “How do people live like this?” but they do and they are happy. Unfortunately, the love of money and material goods has swept even this village.

As we were walking around we saw this group of women sitting under an overhang. Since I stick out like a sore thumb, the group of women asked Poo why I was here and where I was from. I don’t know when was the last time they saw some white girl just strolling around their village. They had a 3 month old baby (so stinking cute with her big cheeks) to whom I gave may complements and coos.

After I complemented their baby, the apparent mother looked at the baby and said, “Don’t you want a foreign boyfriend? You want a foreign boyfriend, don’t you.” If I had not had someone interpreting, I would have thought she was cooing to her baby as I was. Instead, the brainwashing begins. Never would I look at my little baby girl (if/when I have children) and say, “ohh don’t you want a rich boyfriend! You want a rich boyfriend someday, don’t you!” That’s basically what they are saying. They aren’t even brainwashing her to want a HUSBAND. Someone who will be committed to providing and protecting them. Someone they can count on in sickness and in health. No. They are being brainwashed to want a boyfriend. Someone who may or may not stick around, be faithful, or honest.

When I was a young child, I was rarely, if ever, told by my parents that I was “pretty”. They always told me how smart I was, how kind I am, or even how talented I am. I don’t ever remember hearing from my parents telling me that I had to get married or even have a boyfriend. I do, however, remember my parents telling me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. They told me that with an education, drive, and a dream, I could do ANYTHING. No boyfriend. No husband. No one else is holding me back from my success. This, I understand, is a very “American” mindset, but I believe this is a big part of who I am today. Don’t get me wrong, when my partner comes along (whoever he is), I’ll be thrilled, but until then I am okay. Being content in singleness is a gift. These girls who are brainwashed that they need a man to take care of them are robbed of fully understanding that gift. It’s wonderful to understand that you can go out and pursue God’s plan for your life without having to consider anyone else, not have your heart elsewhere, and being able to be fully present in your current location.

What do you all think? Would you tell your little one that someday, a foreigner white knight will come and sweep them off their feet? Maybe I’m just too idealistic…

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