Monday, October 17, 2011

Where I stayed in Khorat

While in Khorat, we were hosted by a cute little family who is friends of our ministry. It wasn’t what I expected, but it gave me a more accurate picture of what it might be like to live as a normal Thai person. Of course, this place is a lot nicer than what the rest of the village has, but it was still a shock to me. It is out in the village of Khorat and has a beautiful two story living area. I think they just had built it and weren’t quite finished, but it’s really cute. Most Thai people sleep on the ground with only a blanket, fan, and mosquito net.

This was a new experience to me. I see how simply someone can live and be happy. Do we really need beds, dressers, even an indoor kitchen? I’m not sure anymore. The way western houses are is so far removed from how these people live. I supposed that if it were to be a colder climate, having an outdoor kitchen and living room would be a bit of a challenge, but here, it totally works! I can tell that they have put so much work into making this place beautiful. It has polished natural wood for decoration, beautiful windows, and a nice deck. It works!

This is however, yet another example of how I don’t really make the ideal missionary. While sleeping on the ground would work for the majority of the people health-wise, I spent the whole night coughing and hacking for whatever reason… I won’t ever be sure. My asthma and other health issues limit me quite a bit, and I’m still considered to be very healthy! By the GRACE of God, my stomach has been happy and I’ve even started eating out of food carts on the street. Let’s face it, it’s fresh, tasty, and much cheaper than other food places. If I can get my body used to eating that, I’m golden to live a lot cheaper.

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