Thailand Adventure

I will be moving to Thailand in September 2011 to help get the Business Hope Center get off the ground. Currently, we have our country director in Pattaya, but she can't do it alone and I'm pleased, blessed, and honored to help her. This page will give you an idea of what kind of prayers  and support that are needed. Thank you for your love and support!

Please Pray That:
  • Me and my team are blessed with safety, health, strength, and steadfastness Psalm 5:11
  • Girls feel convicted to leave the bars and brothels and come to our safe house and go through our program. 2Cor 6:2
  • I may be given the gift of language as I learn Thai. 2Cor 9:8
  • The finances we need to sustain the centers and grow come in Phil 4:19
  • God provides the individuals we need to grow our center’s leadership Matthew 4:19
  • Passionate, professional, and compassionate national individuals are raised up as leaders of the center Habakkuk 1:5
  • Translators to be accessible when needed Esther4:14
  • The foreign men that come to buy the girls become convicted and turn their hearts around to become the men God created them to be 2 Tim 2:25-26
  • The girls who are rescued out of the bars be overwhelmed by the Lord’s healing hands Isa:43
  • My team and I would feel peace and security in God’s plan for us to be there Romans 5:20
  • I may have cultural discernment as I interact with those around me in Thailand 1 Kings 3:10-12
  • There may be “divine appointments” by God with people He has for us to meet Joshua 1:9
  • There may be openness among those who hear the worship and the Gospel. Jer29:12-14
  • There may be discernment on how to pray and understand the spiritual nature of what is happening in this city. Luke 10:19