Thursday, December 8, 2011

Give Thanks Everyday! Especially for your Heart!

As some of you may remember, this past summer my dear friend's brother had sever heart failure and had only 10% function at one point in time. Most people don't live below 25% function, so the fact that he survived that time was purely by God's good Grace. He and his family have been through a roller-coaster of a year weighing out all the options ultimately leading to a heart transplant. Unfortunately, some things delayed him from being apart of the transplant list for a bit, but about two or three weeks ago, he got on!

Here is where it gets good: last night he and his family learned that there was a heart for him. A live and beating heart. Of course, we all know that this means that someone of similar build and age had to die for this to be possible. Its a bitter-sweet event.

The transplant went seamlessly last night and the heart began beating almost immediately in his chest. I'm sure someday he will contact the donor to thank the family for the sacrifice of their loved one so that he could live. It's the ultimate sacrifice. This makes me think about a lot of things. Where has this heart been? What has this heart accomplished? Has it loved? Did the previous owner have an appreciation for it beating in his chest like Cody and his family does?

Here is what I want to ask: how much do you appreciate your beating heart, breathing lungs, and thinking brain everyday? The fact that you have use of your hands, feet, arms, legs, and eyes is a blessing. How much do you thank God for your simple existence everyday? We are in a season of "WANT! WANT! WANT!" when it should be about giving to those in need.

I know Thanksgiving is over, but be sure to take some time to say thanks for the little things. Show the people you love you appreciate them. Thank God for every blessing because none of us DESERVE anything but death. God paved the way to life for us by bringing Jesus to earth as a little baby. Give thanks and praise for the good gifts that God loves to give.

I am so thankful these days :)  God is SOOO good!

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