Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Next Adventure

A year ago I stepped out in faith to follow God’s call to visit Pattaya, Thailand on a short-term mission. As I began this journey I did not know what would be ahead of me, what I would experience or how I would process it all. Since my first step of faith, God has continued to lead me on a wonderfully CRAZY journey. I have been led in exploring my talents, gifts, passions and most importantly received a glimpse of His plan for my life. I helped create a business plan, curriculum, fundraising plans and awareness campaigns as we gave birth to the Business Hope Centers. Working on this project has been a second job for me this past year. This project is teaching me so much about what I’m capable of and more importantly awakened a passion in my heart! I experience our Lord growing me to be the woman He created me to be.

Currently I have been given an opportunity to move to Thailand and be an essential part of building multiple Business Hope Centers all over the country. The core of my work will be launching the microfinance program and building relationships with Thai business partners. I will be consulting entrepreneurs with their business ideas for providing healthy life-giving jobs and aiding in their implementation. Weekly, I will be teaching business classes, networking with both the Christian and business communities. I’m excited to be part of the team helping launch additional training centers in Thailand. This is a highly entrepreneurial opportunity that I am THRILLED to step into. I feel blessed by this opportunity for an impactful role in making a difference in the lives of so many who are marginalized.

My current plan is to leave September 2011 for six months to one year. I will be helping get the microfinance project off the ground, assisting the country director in seminars training and the objective of opening other projected center in Thailand, as well as preparing the center to run sustainably in a three year timespan. I will have spiritual and monetary needs beginning now and until I return. I am currently working to raise financial support for living expenses, ministry and emergency funds. Currently my estimated cost per month is $800 not including airfare. I would like to invite you to join me in this journey by committing to donating $25-50 per month for one year. I will write frequent blog posts and Facebook updates in regards to my work and how God is moving through this project.

You can make donations online on our website at The PaySimple option gives you the opportunity to select my account #187. If you use Paypal I ask that you type in my account #187 on the “review your donation” page under “Specify any additional details.” If you prefer, Global Breakthrough will gladly receive your financial support at the address below. Please write my account number on the envelope. For tax deductable purposes, do not write my name on the check. If your company has a matching program our EIN is 91-1470478. Global Breakthrough is a 501(c)3. Along with the receipt for your tax-deductable gift, Global Breakthrough will mail a response envelope back to you.

As much as financial support is a necessity, being covered in prayer is more important. The work I will be doing easily leads the human heart susceptible to all sorts of challenges. I’ll need people committed to prayer for my protection and perseverance. My work will not be easy and the encouragement from my loved ones will be incredibly valuable. This is a definitive step in faith for me. I hope you decide to join me in this journey of faith and adventure. Thank you for your time and support! God bless!

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