Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back in Seattle

After some time in the Bangkok hospital due to severe food poisoning, I'm back in Seattle and back to work. Thanks to Jeff McKinley because if it weren't for him, I might not have gone to the hospital... but I declined quickly shortly after we got there. No better place to decline than in a hospital where they have the right medications to bring me back! A special thanks goes to him for taking care of me like I was his own daughter. What a wonderful feeling! I still feel pretty cruddy, but hey, I'm home! It seems so surreal to come back to my comforts of home after experiencing so much sadness... but that why we work, right? Our team reconvenes tomorrow to discuss how we are going forward. What changes we will make, analyze the effectiveness of our approach, and share our debriefing thoughts. I often find myself praying that God helps me processes all the things I just experienced... all in God's time.

So funny, I'm just listening to my iPod and this song just came on which is perfect: "The shadow proves their is sunshine." So true. We are working to bring light to a dark place, but their is hope! There is always hope! You can't go ANYWHERE in the world and escape the reach of our Lord of Lords, King of Kings, our GREAT and MIGHTY GOD! Praise the LORD!

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