Thursday, November 4, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane :)

I leave for Thailand tonight. We will be entering the city with prayerful hearts that our work we have done is good enough for the work we need to do in Pattaya. This is game time. I’m sure we are going to hit some road-blocks, but we are hoping for an overall smooth trip.

I’m feeling very nervous, anxious, and most of all excited! It’s a unique experience to be able travel to a foreign country with the intentions of being God’s hands and feet. We aren’t going to a sunny beach to relax. We are going into a dark city where evil has been thriving since the Vietnam War. We come bearing options to those whose hearts are heavy with their current lifestyle. We come with hope and the opportunity to reclaim the identity each individual was born to embrace. These women, men, girls and boys were made to be loved appropriately, cherished, and protected. The fact that none of this is happening currently is a reason to FIGHT. That’s what I’m doing when I go over to Thailand, I’m putting my dukes up, packing my ammo, tying on my bad-a bandana, and getting ready to fight for these beautiful people who can’t fight for themselves. I’m coming with an artillery of weapons: semi-automatic education, oozy of empowerment, a few indignant grenades, and a whole lot of Care Bear Stare LOVE! Okay, so maybe I don’t know much about actual guns, but I do know what it’s gong to take to stop the evil in Pattaya (and soon all of Thailand… then reaching to Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Nepal, etc....). It’s going to take a practical, tangible alternative to prostitution in the City of Sex. That’s what the Thailand Centers is working to provide.

The Thailand Centers will be provide business education and training to anyone who either has a legitimate business, has an idea for a legitimate business, or wants to learn how to be a good employee for a good legitimate business. We are presenting our pilot program November 8-12 in Pattaya, so please pray for our success. For more information on how we are planning on running this center, please go to Then, click on Causes and then Human Trafficking. Please stay tuned for more updates on how we are doing on our pilot program.

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