Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quick update

I'm so sorry I've been so bad at updating this, but we have literally been going non-stop since we got here. Everything is going really well and our first night of teaching went well. I'm impressed at the level of enthusiasm from our students! So many possibilities! I'm so excited to be apart of this journey! More updates to come.

Today we are meeting with the Nelsons (OCCs missionaries here in Thailand) and going into the slums... i might just try to smuggle a little Thai baby back, they are so cute! Raleigh could be a big brother! haha!

Anyway, thanks for the love and the prayers! Blessings!


  1. hahaha! i love that you are on an anti-trafficking trip and just posted about smuggling a baby back. we are definitely friends!

  2. It's trafficking for a greater good! hahahahah!


Please let me know what you think!