Friday, December 3, 2010

Sex Slavery Lives in the Land of the Free

We generally don't like to think about the evils of the world... probably because it's uncomfortable and disturbing. I understand, but I also encourage you to look beyond your own comforts and realize that these terrible things like sex slavery happens in our own country with our own adult citizens exploiting own children. Turning a blind eye hasn't done anything to help this situation, but it has allowed the pimps to do their work under the cloak of darkness, shame, and pain. By not educating yourself on this, you're exacerbating the issue. I encourage you to look under that cloak and see the seedy underbelly of our failed social services, foster programs, poverty, and abuse. None of these issues will go away if we simply ignore them, but with some passion, education, and a spirit of hope, we can help change the way things are and improve the lives of thousands. It's a long and challenging road, but the way I see it is that there isn't any other road to travel. As long as a child is being manipulated, sexually abused, and robbed of their innocence, personal comfort shouldn't be your priority. These girls don't have the luxury of comfort or innocence because of their circumstance. I encourage you to FIGHT for them and say NO to crimes committed against them. This is a call to action. Be an advocate for the invisible, voiceless, and powerless.

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