Friday, November 5, 2010

Made it to Teipei!!

That was quite possibly the easiest 14 hour plane flight ever...  I slept for 10 hours! THANK you Tylenol PM! haha! We are on a layover waiting for our 4 hour flight to Bangkok. I'm so jazzed for this adventure! Please keep me, my team, and the city of Pattaya in your prayers :) Thanks loving supporters!!

Now, i have to call my credit card companies and tell them I'm traveling.... OOPS! haha! Let's hope this doesn't go poorly! haha! Ciao ciao! God bless!

These are pictures from the Teipei airport :) We had some time to killl! haha! It was pretty amazing because they had all sorts of prayer rooms. Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian. Pretty interesting!  

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