Thursday, October 21, 2010

Human beings are the 2nd most lucrative commodity after drugs...

I unfortunately missed the Larry King Live special on Modern day slavery, but I did find this clip. As soon as I find a way to share the whole episode, I'll post it. This should serve as a wake-up call that gender inequality lives and thrives in most societies today, but are perceived differently. Most human trafficking victims are women because they are usually more venerable than boys the same age (strength, gullibility, lack of confidence, etc.). The trafficking of boys is also an issue, but I'm going to concentrate on the girls for now. Please watch this clip and tell me how it affects you.

I leave in two weeks for Pattaya, Thailand. The city itself is an attack to the senses. Ever where you look you can see sexual positions to be ordered, girls to be bought, and the robbery of innocence. It's such a sharp juxtaposition against the beautiful nature that exists in Pattaya (an otherwise beautiful place to be). As I prepare for my trip, I want to arm my readers with the reasons why I am fighting this fight. This is just the beginning...

Oh and here is a wonderful protest a friend brought to my attention: Israeli models protest women being sold as commodities.

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