Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back in Seattle

After some time in the Bangkok hospital due to severe food poisoning, I'm back in Seattle and back to work. Thanks to Jeff McKinley because if it weren't for him, I might not have gone to the hospital... but I declined quickly shortly after we got there. No better place to decline than in a hospital where they have the right medications to bring me back! A special thanks goes to him for taking care of me like I was his own daughter. What a wonderful feeling! I still feel pretty cruddy, but hey, I'm home! It seems so surreal to come back to my comforts of home after experiencing so much sadness... but that why we work, right? Our team reconvenes tomorrow to discuss how we are going forward. What changes we will make, analyze the effectiveness of our approach, and share our debriefing thoughts. I often find myself praying that God helps me processes all the things I just experienced... all in God's time.

So funny, I'm just listening to my iPod and this song just came on which is perfect: "The shadow proves their is sunshine." So true. We are working to bring light to a dark place, but their is hope! There is always hope! You can't go ANYWHERE in the world and escape the reach of our Lord of Lords, King of Kings, our GREAT and MIGHTY GOD! Praise the LORD!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pattaya Orphanage

A few team members and myself went to the Pattaya Orphanage. All of these babies were so starved for attention and just had their arms outstretched for attention. This just affirmed my strong desire that I want to adopt children when my time comes... So precious!

Much love to all! We are taking our girls out tonight, so keep us in your prayers! We have some things lined up to take them out of the bars, so please pray that they are open to it.

God is MOVING here!

Wenesday night in Pattaya

It was my final night of teaching (and I rocked it)! Yay! We wanted to go see our friends at the bar and invite them to Pattaya Praise tomorrow night. We are paying them to go (thank you for donating ministry money) and hopefully encouraging them to make a change in their life. We have a rehab set up for them, so we hope they will accept our help. Please keep us in your prayers.

Also we are going to an orphanage tomorrow... so I'm going to see how to adopt a little thai girl... for the future of course :) I just heard they are really hard to get, so I'd like to see how this might work. :)

I'll be posting some videos for our updates... stay tuned!!

Much love my friends! God is MOVING here!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quick update

I'm so sorry I've been so bad at updating this, but we have literally been going non-stop since we got here. Everything is going really well and our first night of teaching went well. I'm impressed at the level of enthusiasm from our students! So many possibilities! I'm so excited to be apart of this journey! More updates to come.

Today we are meeting with the Nelsons (OCCs missionaries here in Thailand) and going into the slums... i might just try to smuggle a little Thai baby back, they are so cute! Raleigh could be a big brother! haha!

Anyway, thanks for the love and the prayers! Blessings!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

First night in Pattaya

The first night, we went to Walking Street, which is kind of like the hub of Sex Trafficking in the city of Pattaya. We walked down the street with prayerful hearts that God's glory would shine upon the city. There is so much to be sad for in Pattaya, but what gives me hope is the possibility of salvation, restoration, and renewal with the love of Jesus. If you have a heart time understand Grace, please look at these photos with the understanding that each of these people in the pictures can be redeemed through Christ's love, not becasue they deserve it or they have earned it, but becasue God has given us Grace.

There is much more to come... stay tuned :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Made it to Teipei!!

That was quite possibly the easiest 14 hour plane flight ever...  I slept for 10 hours! THANK you Tylenol PM! haha! We are on a layover waiting for our 4 hour flight to Bangkok. I'm so jazzed for this adventure! Please keep me, my team, and the city of Pattaya in your prayers :) Thanks loving supporters!!

Now, i have to call my credit card companies and tell them I'm traveling.... OOPS! haha! Let's hope this doesn't go poorly! haha! Ciao ciao! God bless!

These are pictures from the Teipei airport :) We had some time to killl! haha! It was pretty amazing because they had all sorts of prayer rooms. Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian. Pretty interesting!  

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane :)

I leave for Thailand tonight. We will be entering the city with prayerful hearts that our work we have done is good enough for the work we need to do in Pattaya. This is game time. I’m sure we are going to hit some road-blocks, but we are hoping for an overall smooth trip.

I’m feeling very nervous, anxious, and most of all excited! It’s a unique experience to be able travel to a foreign country with the intentions of being God’s hands and feet. We aren’t going to a sunny beach to relax. We are going into a dark city where evil has been thriving since the Vietnam War. We come bearing options to those whose hearts are heavy with their current lifestyle. We come with hope and the opportunity to reclaim the identity each individual was born to embrace. These women, men, girls and boys were made to be loved appropriately, cherished, and protected. The fact that none of this is happening currently is a reason to FIGHT. That’s what I’m doing when I go over to Thailand, I’m putting my dukes up, packing my ammo, tying on my bad-a bandana, and getting ready to fight for these beautiful people who can’t fight for themselves. I’m coming with an artillery of weapons: semi-automatic education, oozy of empowerment, a few indignant grenades, and a whole lot of Care Bear Stare LOVE! Okay, so maybe I don’t know much about actual guns, but I do know what it’s gong to take to stop the evil in Pattaya (and soon all of Thailand… then reaching to Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Nepal, etc....). It’s going to take a practical, tangible alternative to prostitution in the City of Sex. That’s what the Thailand Centers is working to provide.

The Thailand Centers will be provide business education and training to anyone who either has a legitimate business, has an idea for a legitimate business, or wants to learn how to be a good employee for a good legitimate business. We are presenting our pilot program November 8-12 in Pattaya, so please pray for our success. For more information on how we are planning on running this center, please go to http://www.globalbreakthrough.net/. Then, click on Causes and then Human Trafficking. Please stay tuned for more updates on how we are doing on our pilot program.