Friday, October 1, 2010

Dr Yunus on the SIMPSONS!

My wonderful friend Lindsey led me to this article describing how Dr. Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate, will be on the Simpsons on Sunday night. This means a few different things:
  1. The masses of people who watch the Simpsons will be subconsciously learning about the very principal that has the potential to pull our world economy up to a livable standard
  2. Dr Yunus is JUST as awesome as I have imagined him to be! I saw him speak a few months ago about his new book Building a Social Business and he was so intriguing to watch. One second he would be discussing the necessity to be an advocate for the poor but then laughing about the irony of bureaucracy the next. When building bridges like he has, it's an important quality to not take yourself too seriously.
  3. I NEED TO BORROW SOME ONE'S CABLE to watch it :) I don't have cable for many reasons. The main reasons is a) I don't want to pay for it and b) it distracts me from productivity too much.
So if you have cable, TV, and want to watch Simpson on Sunday night. Let me know. :)

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