Thursday, October 7, 2010

When your eyes aren't set on God, they are always set on something lesser

I would like to SINCERELY like to ask the members of the Westboro Baptist church if they REALLY think that their hurtful protests are lifting up the name of Jesus and going after the heart of God. No matter how you look at this, these people are most certainly not making God smile. I know my God and He is loving and gentle. This resembles more of the "Enemy" than God because it's full of malice, hatred, and completely devoid of love.

My heart just weeps for the families of all the fallen soldiers who have to endure this horror. As if it's not terrible enough that they have lost a love one who fought for the very right to speak freely, they are being tormented by fanatical "Christians". What an ignorant standpoint to blame our troops for the ills of the world! These sins lye deeper than one fraction of the population. The biggest sin committed by dishonoring another human's life and continuing a cycle of hatred, intolerance, and pain. These members of Westboro are no better than the pimp who kidnaps a young girl, rapes and beats her until she is willing to sell herself for sex on the streets. Both groups of people are dishonoring what is most sacred: Another's life.

Our soldiers fight for our country and sometimes end up giving the ultimate sacrifice: their lives. That COMMANDS the respect of every American with a beating heart and blood in their veins. Disrespecting that sacrifice is the MOST un-American act possible. The least everyone can do is give the grieving family some time, space, and respect to burry their child, husband, wife, mother, father. That's a ONE TIME deal, and once taken can never be replaced.

Just like the fanatical "Christians" in Florida who wanted to burn the Quran on September 11th, these people DO NO represent Christianity, the love of Jesus, and the ideals that Christianity has set forth. These people are behaving more like the Pharisees in the Bible; hypocrites to the core. We can't judge others and we most CERTAINLY don't have the right to persecute ANYONE! Westboro, I'm afraid you have your eyes set on something other than God and His plan: pure evil and hatred. All we are asked to do is love God, love each other, be good stewards to the world we live in. They are doing none of this with their hurtful actions. The worst part is that I have to forgive you for these horrific acts.

I forgive you.

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