Monday, September 12, 2011

My first day in Thailand

I arrived in Bangkok yesterday around 1:30pm, retrieved my bags, and headed my new home. Some things didn't work out like I was expecting, but I got a cab from Bangkok to Pattaya and arrived at my new apartment. This was just another reminder of how important it is to stay flexible. It's all in God's hands.

So now I'm on the mission to make this apartment a home... Apartments here are very different from apartments in the US. The one has come fully furnished, complete with a rock-hard mattress. Please pray that I'm able to make my new place my safe and pleasant home. I don't know how comfortable I should be able to make this place... It's just different. I guess I'll get used to it.

Oh here is a wonderful gem that demonstrates how shameless the men are here. So the whole front of the entrance of my apartment complex is glass... like see through. Well, there was a guy on the computer who was watching hard core porn with the monitor facing outward... toward the rest of the world. That's what I came home to last night. Pleasant haha! There is such a need for a demand based ministry here targeting the men who are buying these girls. We need some strong men of God who can help show these men how these addictions are hurting them more than they think.

Anyway, I'm off for my first day here. I'll be getting my cellphone figured out so if anyone wants to contact me, they can via skype.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Fun times to come home to that..
    Well I'm glad you're safe! I will be skyping soon! What's your skype user name?
    You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers..PS I'm going to dedicate my yoga practice to you will be my intention! :)


Please let me know what you think!