Saturday, September 17, 2011

I need your support!

I have a request for those who care about me and my mission here in Thailand. I have not met my fundraising goals like I was expecting and I'm a few hundred off from what I need per month. If you would like to be a part of my mission, please click here for repeating monthly support and select account 187.  If you would like to make a one time donation, please click here. This information is also located to the right of your screen if on my blog.

The work I'm doing here will impact so many.  Through language training, microfinance, business development, and leadership training, my everyday life is being actively used to help the people here in Thailand.  I am loving what I'm able to do here... it's really my dream job. I do need your help, however, to keep this a reality. I hope you'll consider supporting me. Thank you!

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