Friday, September 30, 2011

Blessings by Short-Term Teams

I'm so happy and excited to welcome our first short-term mission team here in Pattaya. It's my first time showing the city around (to the best of my knowledge) and seeing it through brand-new eyes. I remember the first time I came here and how much emotion filled me as I watched injustice happen at almost every street corner. It's refreshing to see their reactions and also affirming that there is still so much work to be done here.

I'm exhausted from a full day around the city but I feel compelled to express the wonderful blessing that short-term teams can bring. They get the rare opportunity to serve the servant and affirm their journey. It's such a blessing to be around such supportive people. It lifts me up!

One of the things that I love most about short-term teams is that they are only here for a little while, but the memory of what goes on here is burned into their hearts forever. Once they see the state of the city, they will pray for God's Kingdom to come, on earth as it is in Heaven. They will pray for the servants and pray for divine appointments that will turn the city and it's people around. That is one more person who is praying for God to majorly claim the ground as His.

This last three weeks has been a roller coaster, but I feel so privileged to ride it because I know this is what the Lord has for me. It's a beautiful thing to see God's beautiful creation painted in front of you and you get the opportunity to connect the dots. What an HONOR! :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Best is Yet to Come

"Look at the nations and watch - and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not even believe even if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5

The world is such a mess right now. Children orphaned by the largest pandemic to strike die from dirty water and malnutrition on one side of the world while the other is too caught up with "Keeping up with the Kardashians" to even notice. Even in the same western city, one family can have more than they could ever ask for while another struggles to even have food on the table once a day... if they even have a table. People are more concerned with the fluctuating stock market than a civil war that is forcing young children to be soldiers. The things that matter most aren't the issues making the daily headlines. Violence fills the streets, deception is in the darkness, and justice never seems to prevail. There is still hope in these dark places though. I believe in fighting for that beauty and loving those people who are hurt and destroyed back to life. It's becoming even more obvious as I'm here that Jesus really is the only answer to each of these problems. In the book of Habakkuk, this "minor" profit is complaining about the state of the world. Interestingly enough, the kind of world he is describing sounds awfully familiar and God's answer remains true today. He will perform works that we can not even imagine. All we are asked to do is be obedient to His will.

Before I left Seattle, I heard a beautiful quote:

"Where your talent and the world's need meet, there is your calling."

We are all asked to participate in His work. God could swoop down and make everything that is wrong right again, but he allows us to be apart of his work. He wants our participation. All it takes is our obedience.


Today was full of Divine appointments. All OVER the place today, the Lord pasted each person together to be used for His Glory. Let me tell you how...

This morning, I was feeling so homesick and to be honest, marinating in a little bit of self-pity because I was disappointed I couldn't be stronger. I was feeling a little emotional and tender, but I got ready for my day after a pretty sleepless night. Each night has been worse and worse where I wake up scared. I'm never sure what I'm scared of or why I'm feeling scared, but my nights here are restless most of the time. This is abnormal for me. Usually, I fall asleep in less than one minute from my head hitting the pillow and I stay asleep all night long.... like a baby... and that's an awesome norm. Anyway, I wasn't feeling great as I left my apartment to go get some work done at the Tamar center. I love going there because the girls working are so kind and helpful.

Once I got off the Song Teaw (the main mode of transportation which is basically a truck with two benches and a roof covering) and started to walk toward Tamar, I felt like the day was going to turn around. I got in, ordered my coffee and began my work when God's Divine appointment walked through the door. I had met this amazing couple earlier this past November when me and my team were delivering our first pilot training program. They had just moved to Thailand to do radical healing and deliverance. I began to talk to them and ask them about their time here. I realized I've never really understood what "deliverance" is. As they began to tell me about what happens (hissing, pointy snake tongues, crazy eyes, screaming, etc.) we heard this GIANT scream from in the back of the Tamar center. The couple said that it is either someone goofing around or someone who needed deliverance. We went about our conversation when the co-founder of Tamar came out to ask if they knew anything about deliverance. Sure enough, we were able to go see the woman and I was able to witness my first deliverance. It was pretty darn wild because exactly what they had just been telling me happened, complete with pointy tongues. If anyone has any doubt that demonic presence is real, they should witness a deliverance. About 4 and a half hours later, she was like a different person completely. There is a REAL battle between good and evil and the award is your soul. That's so crazy!

Anyway, That was one giant Divine appointment. The rest of the day, we went to eat together and go to a worship time together. It was a good day. Thank GOD for His Divine appointments. It's days like these that make me feel like this is exactly where I need to be. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homsick round #1

I knew this time would come. When all I want to do is dive bomb my fluffy couch that is so comfortable, cover myself up in a million blankets, and drink the tap water. When I want my adorable puppydog to come and cuddle me with his giant face (80lbs/36.4k) while I watch Hulu on my computer. This place isn't home yet, but I know it will be someday soon. I know these things aren't possible right now, but it's because so many things ARE possible with my being here. I'm homesick now, but that's not permanent. I'm here to do what God has created me to do. I'm here to come alongside my Thai team members and encourage people to think about things differently. They are giving back to me the same encouragement I'm able to give to them. It's so mutually beneficial. I'm here to help change lives an bring hope where there isn't any.

The longer I'm here, the more I see that the present place of Pattaya, Thailand is where dreams come to die. Men don't come here because they have hope in their hearts. They come here when they have no hope and are willing to settle for paying for a Thai "girlfriend". They aren't full people. They are, for the most part, broken souls who have been rejected time and time again. The girls come here to work in a bar because there IS NO OTHER option in their mind. No hope. No place to go to be full.

I'm here to help them see that this is not the case. This place can be a place of hope, rebirth, rejuvenation, and joy. We are in the building stage. We are working with God to rebuild this city and paint the walls with hope.

One of the girls in the safe house told me yesterday that she has two children. I had NO idea she had two babies. She told me how she misses them and how they are being raised by her mother. I felt so foolish to be talking about how I miss my dog (my love of my life outside of my Jesus) when she has two BABIES that she misses. I know when I'll get to see my dog again and squish his giant, lovable, face. she doesn't know when she will get to be a family again with her babies. I can't imagine how hard that is.... I don't have any children (or someone to have children with), but if I did, I could only imagine that I would love them that much more than I love my wonderful puppydog. Sure, I'd still love him to pieces, but I imagine the love for your babies is something so special. How much hurt she must have in her heart for not being able to hold them in her arms everyday and speak truth and goodness into their lives when they are feeling down. I hurt for her. I hope someday soon she can be with her babies and they can all be a family again soon. It definitely puts perspective on my homesickness.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I need your support!

I have a request for those who care about me and my mission here in Thailand. I have not met my fundraising goals like I was expecting and I'm a few hundred off from what I need per month. If you would like to be a part of my mission, please click here for repeating monthly support and select account 187.  If you would like to make a one time donation, please click here. This information is also located to the right of your screen if on my blog.

The work I'm doing here will impact so many.  Through language training, microfinance, business development, and leadership training, my everyday life is being actively used to help the people here in Thailand.  I am loving what I'm able to do here... it's really my dream job. I do need your help, however, to keep this a reality. I hope you'll consider supporting me. Thank you!

Monday, September 12, 2011

My first day in Thailand

I arrived in Bangkok yesterday around 1:30pm, retrieved my bags, and headed my new home. Some things didn't work out like I was expecting, but I got a cab from Bangkok to Pattaya and arrived at my new apartment. This was just another reminder of how important it is to stay flexible. It's all in God's hands.

So now I'm on the mission to make this apartment a home... Apartments here are very different from apartments in the US. The one has come fully furnished, complete with a rock-hard mattress. Please pray that I'm able to make my new place my safe and pleasant home. I don't know how comfortable I should be able to make this place... It's just different. I guess I'll get used to it.

Oh here is a wonderful gem that demonstrates how shameless the men are here. So the whole front of the entrance of my apartment complex is glass... like see through. Well, there was a guy on the computer who was watching hard core porn with the monitor facing outward... toward the rest of the world. That's what I came home to last night. Pleasant haha! There is such a need for a demand based ministry here targeting the men who are buying these girls. We need some strong men of God who can help show these men how these addictions are hurting them more than they think.

Anyway, I'm off for my first day here. I'll be getting my cellphone figured out so if anyone wants to contact me, they can via skype.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

After a hectic and stressful two months, I am sitting in SeaTac airport waiting to board the flight that will take me straight across the world to Taipei. After quitting my job, moving out of my apartment, temporarily rehoming my wonderful puppy, and packing to move to Thailand for a year... I find myself starting to see what I've sacrificed to follow God's call. I've been so blessed to have such supportive family and friends to carry me through the tough times and show me how to receive. Thank you to everyone who has supported me. I'm not able to do any of this on my own... Through God and my community, I'll continue to be carried. Much love!