Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nuclear Crisis Heralds the Human Spirit

I'm sure everyone is aware of the nuclear crisis in Japan that is a result of a major 8.9 earthquake, it's many aftershocks, as well Tsunamis. What I want to point out is how in this time of disaster, the true human spirit arises. Below is a "Today Show" clip on the subject of the nuclear reactors that are leaking radiation. Although I think the opening music is horribly inappropriate (even though it's just the "Today Show" music), this clip seems to be a good look at the current situation. I want to display my respect and gratitude to the 50 people who remain in the power plant trying to contain the problem at their personal risk. They probably have lives and families outside that plant but understand how important it is to fix the issue so that the rest of the world doesn't suffer anymore. It's that sacrifice that I think is the most beautiful part of this story. With the birth of disaster comes heros to save the day. Those 50 people are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater population of Japan (and the rest of the world depending on how bad this gets). That's pretty amazing! I hope they get the recognition they deserve, whatever the outcome. They are giving the ULTIMATE sacrifice for the greater good.

Praying for you, Japan!!!!

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