Friday, December 10, 2010

Real men don't BUY girls

Sister Donna Fread is my new favorite person. She is super cute and speaks the truth; "Real men don't BUY girls." She works for Stop the Demand in the Seattle/Tacoma area which is working to Stop the Demand for human trafficking. It's that simple. The reason why there is a SUPPLY of girls being sold for sex is because there is a DEMAND from "Johns" (the individuals who solicit sex). To stop the problem, both sides need to be addressed. I've had plenty of naysayers say, "as long as men are men, there will always be prostitution." I hate it when people say this to me because they are basically say, "Collyn, just give up. Throw up your hands and stop trying because you'll never win." I don't believe this is true. In fact, this sort of attitude is kindling for my fire, passion, and righteous anger toward the exploitation of humans for sex. Oh and Ashton and Demi agree:

A team member passed along this article to me today:

This is further proof that human trafficking happens everywhere. These girls were runaways. Think about how many kids you knew growing up who either threatened to run away or did run way... I knew a ton! In the fantasy of running way, they probably pictured freedom from whatever they thought was oppressing them at home, not sexual servitude. I'm sure they never wanted the life they now have because they ran away. They didn't know any better because, yep you guessed it, THEY ARE CHILDREN! Children can't be held responsible for becoming victims of predatory people. The only defense against this sort of an issue is EDUCATION and AWARENESS. The men who bought these girls' innocence are all around you: The guy behind you at Starbucks, the man you work with, the men you pass in the grocery store. The more we all speak up that this behavior is unacceptable and offer them help (because they are obviously not healthy in the head if they are buying 13 year old girls), the quicker we can solve this problem.

It's as simple as SUPPLY and DEMAND.

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