Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Found my new Theme Song

Thanks to a great friend of mine, I found my new theme song for this season of my life. I've felt for a LONG time that I'm bigger than what my experience, size, gender, talent gives me credit for. I believe that I, along with every other person here on this earth, was born to do something great for this world. We weren't born to be complacent, lazy, and self-centered. We were born to give our lives for another and care so much for a cause that you're willing to die for it. That's what passion is anyway.

I Was Here - Lady Antebellum
You will notice me
I'll be leaving my mark like initials carved
In an old oak tree, you wait and see
Maybe I'll write like Twain wrote
Maybe I'll paint like Van Gogh
Cure the common cold, I don't know
But I'm ready start 'cause I know in my heart

I wanna do something that matters, say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better with the time I've been given
I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life
Leave nothing less than something that says ? I was here?
I will prove you wrong
If you think I'm all talk, you're in for a shock
'Cause this dream's too strong and before too long
Maybe I'll compose symphonies
Maybe I'll fight for world peace
'Cause I know it's my destiny
To leave more than a trace of myself in this place!
I wanna do something that matters, say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
I wanna do something better with the time I've been given
I wanna try to touch a few hearts in this life
And leave nothing less than something that says, I was here
And I know that I, I will do more than just pass through this life
I'll leave nothing less than something that says:I was here
I was here

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Next Adventure

A year ago I stepped out in faith to follow God’s call to visit Pattaya, Thailand on a short-term mission. As I began this journey I did not know what would be ahead of me, what I would experience or how I would process it all. Since my first step of faith, God has continued to lead me on a wonderfully CRAZY journey. I have been led in exploring my talents, gifts, passions and most importantly received a glimpse of His plan for my life. I helped create a business plan, curriculum, fundraising plans and awareness campaigns as we gave birth to the Business Hope Centers. Working on this project has been a second job for me this past year. This project is teaching me so much about what I’m capable of and more importantly awakened a passion in my heart! I experience our Lord growing me to be the woman He created me to be.

Currently I have been given an opportunity to move to Thailand and be an essential part of building multiple Business Hope Centers all over the country. The core of my work will be launching the microfinance program and building relationships with Thai business partners. I will be consulting entrepreneurs with their business ideas for providing healthy life-giving jobs and aiding in their implementation. Weekly, I will be teaching business classes, networking with both the Christian and business communities. I’m excited to be part of the team helping launch additional training centers in Thailand. This is a highly entrepreneurial opportunity that I am THRILLED to step into. I feel blessed by this opportunity for an impactful role in making a difference in the lives of so many who are marginalized.

My current plan is to leave September 2011 for six months to one year. I will be helping get the microfinance project off the ground, assisting the country director in seminars training and the objective of opening other projected center in Thailand, as well as preparing the center to run sustainably in a three year timespan. I will have spiritual and monetary needs beginning now and until I return. I am currently working to raise financial support for living expenses, ministry and emergency funds. Currently my estimated cost per month is $800 not including airfare. I would like to invite you to join me in this journey by committing to donating $25-50 per month for one year. I will write frequent blog posts and Facebook updates in regards to my work and how God is moving through this project.

You can make donations online on our website at GlobalBreakthrough.net/donations. The PaySimple option gives you the opportunity to select my account #187. If you use Paypal I ask that you type in my account #187 on the “review your donation” page under “Specify any additional details.” If you prefer, Global Breakthrough will gladly receive your financial support at the address below. Please write my account number on the envelope. For tax deductable purposes, do not write my name on the check. If your company has a matching program our EIN is 91-1470478. Global Breakthrough is a 501(c)3. Along with the receipt for your tax-deductable gift, Global Breakthrough will mail a response envelope back to you.

As much as financial support is a necessity, being covered in prayer is more important. The work I will be doing easily leads the human heart susceptible to all sorts of challenges. I’ll need people committed to prayer for my protection and perseverance. My work will not be easy and the encouragement from my loved ones will be incredibly valuable. This is a definitive step in faith for me. I hope you decide to join me in this journey of faith and adventure. Thank you for your time and support! God bless!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nuclear Crisis Heralds the Human Spirit

I'm sure everyone is aware of the nuclear crisis in Japan that is a result of a major 8.9 earthquake, it's many aftershocks, as well Tsunamis. What I want to point out is how in this time of disaster, the true human spirit arises. Below is a "Today Show" clip on the subject of the nuclear reactors that are leaking radiation. Although I think the opening music is horribly inappropriate (even though it's just the "Today Show" music), this clip seems to be a good look at the current situation. I want to display my respect and gratitude to the 50 people who remain in the power plant trying to contain the problem at their personal risk. They probably have lives and families outside that plant but understand how important it is to fix the issue so that the rest of the world doesn't suffer anymore. It's that sacrifice that I think is the most beautiful part of this story. With the birth of disaster comes heros to save the day. Those 50 people are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater population of Japan (and the rest of the world depending on how bad this gets). That's pretty amazing! I hope they get the recognition they deserve, whatever the outcome. They are giving the ULTIMATE sacrifice for the greater good.

Praying for you, Japan!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hey Japan!

I don't know how this works, but I see that people from Japan look at my blog and I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you directly.

I am so deeply sorry about the many disasters that have affected your country over the past few days. It's horrific what you have had to endure and I want you to know that I am praying for you constatly. It is hard for me to live my daily life that isn't ruined by disaster knowing that there are so many lost, stranded, suffering, hurt, confused, and seemingly forsaken. Keep heart that I'm thinking of you constantly and praying for you even more. What's more powerful is that the God who created the earth, put air in your lungs, and the beat in your heart loves you so dearly. I know it probably doesn't make any sense, but at least consider it. There is no where you can be that can excape the reach of God and He longs for you to cry out to Him.

In this time of sensless disaster, I find comfort in Romans 8:28.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

I'm praying for you and love you so much. It breaks my heart to see a country in such dispair. My love goes out to you.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

God is LOVE!

Just to put a little smile on your face :) I believe this 110%!!! God is GOOD :)

Modern-Day Slavery: Thailand Update

Are you wondering what Pattaya really looks like? It's hard to picture thousands of girls living in sexual servitude, and to be honest, a video doesn't do it much justice either... but it's a start. Please see what most of my time goes toward and what I'm most passionate about.

Modern Day Slavery in Thailand from Global Breakthrough on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The First Amendment

First of all, I've severely neglected my blog over the past few months. I've been working my butt off between my day job and working on Thailand stuff, taking a class, and had a few personal disasters. I'll write another post later giving an update on Thailand, but for the time being, I want to pass along the latest SNL Weekend Update.

This past week, the Supreme Court ruled that the Westboro Baptist Church funeral protests are protected by the First Amendment. Although this is DISGUSTING and DISGRACEFUL and has NOTHING to do with God's Will (or anything remotely close to God) and these soldiers they are protesting were participating in their RIGHT to protest, it's all legal. I dislike that it's legal, because it's so terribly ridiculous, but it is protected by our right to free speech. Just like anyone who does something this terrible (a man buying a prostitute, someone hurting the weak and helpless, etc.) and gets away with it, I have to remember that God sees everything. He is the one who will have the final judgment. It's not my battle. It's only God's.

Romans 12:19-21 NIV: Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

So Westboro Baptist- I hope you have a freakin' SPLENDID day and FINALLY realize that you're nuts and no better than the Pharisees who also didn't "get" Jesus. I pray that you wake up and realize how HATEFUL you are and far from the Lord. Have a great one! :)

That's my best attempt at showing them love. Deal with it.