Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Breaking the Silence

I am SO sorry for not posting for one month. Everything is good and it's been COMPLETELY eventful. Here is a summary of what has happened:
  • My team from Seattle came to give a training in Khorat and in Pattaya
  • More of my team came from Seattle to do outreach on the streets of Pattaya for two weeks.
  • Many were brought out of the bars and shown the love of Jesus
  • Many left the bars permanently and either came into our safe house or were sent home.
  • Pattaya Praise happened with an emphasis on the slums of Pattaya
  • People were healed and came to Jesus
  • Awesome worship teams from Ireland, Australia, and Thailand came to perform.
  • Some important steps were made in the business development
  • The microfinance project is fit to launch soon
I've been exhausted by nonstop weeks with my team, the excitement of Pattaya Praise, and rounding out some rough edges before I leave this Friday. I'll be coming home for a month during the holidays. Things are good! I'm sorry I haven't been more communicative, but this is what paid the price when going at a break-neck pace.

In short, It's been a good month but MAN am I ready to be home!

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