Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Calling ALL Men!

Hey MEN! Yes... you! I'm calling out to YOU! I am calling out to you to tell you that YOU were called to GREATNESS! You were designed to protect, provide, defend, and be strong.

One of the things that fascinates me the most about the sex industry is how contradictory it is to what really brings happiness, wholeness, and joy. The sex industry says, "Hey, sex is fun, it feels good, so why not do it? Who cares who you do it with? As long as it's consensual, no harm, no foul." It teaches you that looking at porn is harmless. It's just you in your room watching something on your know... doing your thing. Here comes the buzz kill: It does do harm and it won't bring your lasting joy.

I'm not even going to talk about this on the woman's (or supply's) side. I want to talk about the demand side: The men.

The men who come to Pattaya to take out a bar girl start to all look the same after a while. They all seem to be in the same latter years of their lives (between 50 and 80 years old). Many of them have been married before, have families, daughters, sons, even grand kids. They often walk around without a shirt on despite their giant pot-bellies and carpet on their chest. In my experience, they have been rude and ungentlemanly (not holding doors, getting up from their seat on the song teaw when an older woman gets on, not making apologies for knocking someone while walking, etc.). They are misfits. They are the kind of men who wouldn't get very far with any other self-respecting woman from their own country. They have been rejected, unloved, and emasculated by life's challenges. They are far from champions.

They come to Pattaya in search of one thing, but really it masquerades as something else. They come for sex, but what they really want is love, affirmation, something REAL. They will, of course, deny all of this saying that they want something easy and uncomplicated, but think about this: What kind of an ego blow is it to have to PAY for sex or a girlfriend? Talk about settling. These guys come to basically settle for something that has the facade of the "real thing" but is so far from it that they have to pay for it to continue.

Now, onto the porn. It's known that many of the women in armature pornographic images and videos are trafficked. They are moved around so fast that no one can tell if something is wrong or not. As spoken about in the video below... well... watch the video:

Jacob's Story from Unearthed on Vimeo.

Here is the point of this all: The demand is the biggest part of the problem. It's time to stop beating around the bush and take some responsibility. Every time you brush off this responsibility, you become less of a man. My blog. My opinion. Man up!! Do something about this. Stop the demand!

I have more to say on this subject so: TO BE CONTINUED...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Breaking the Silence

I am SO sorry for not posting for one month. Everything is good and it's been COMPLETELY eventful. Here is a summary of what has happened:
  • My team from Seattle came to give a training in Khorat and in Pattaya
  • More of my team came from Seattle to do outreach on the streets of Pattaya for two weeks.
  • Many were brought out of the bars and shown the love of Jesus
  • Many left the bars permanently and either came into our safe house or were sent home.
  • Pattaya Praise happened with an emphasis on the slums of Pattaya
  • People were healed and came to Jesus
  • Awesome worship teams from Ireland, Australia, and Thailand came to perform.
  • Some important steps were made in the business development
  • The microfinance project is fit to launch soon
I've been exhausted by nonstop weeks with my team, the excitement of Pattaya Praise, and rounding out some rough edges before I leave this Friday. I'll be coming home for a month during the holidays. Things are good! I'm sorry I haven't been more communicative, but this is what paid the price when going at a break-neck pace.

In short, It's been a good month but MAN am I ready to be home!