Saturday, February 5, 2011

Intentional Juxtaposition

Some of you might thing that the name and décor of my blog are perpendicular to the content of the majority of the posts. I don’t see these details as being incongruous because the general nature of my posts. They are sad, depressing, horrible, and can leave you feeling hopeless sometimes. My intent of keeping the colors bright and the title bubbly is to offset this darkness with some level of blind happiness. It’s not my intention to bring you down and keep you down. It’s to bring you to the level of evil that exists and is accepted in this world, look it in it’s sordid troll-like face, and remember that there is HOPE in this world.

I would like to write about hope at the moment. If everything were as it’s supposed to be, there would be no discrepancy and evil on the earth. What would people have to hope for if every need was already provided and present? Because evil exists, hope does too. I find Joy in this thought. You can find hope is the craziest of places:
  • In the middle of a war when your next breath isn’t certain
  • In the dark hotel room where a young girl is held captive for her pimp’s profit
  • In an impoverished family struck with HIV/AIDS
All these scenarios have one thing in common: you hope to never be living it. True, people don’t HOPE for terrible things to happen to them or their loved ones (or anyone else rather), but the mater-of-fact is that they DO happen. The fact that they DO happen allows for something magical to occur: HOPE! The soldier fighting for his/her country hopes to be one day reunited with the family and friends they love. This hope fuels their fire to press on. The girl who is stuck in the hotel room may not know there is hope, but the fact that more people know about human trafficking today than 10 years ago lends itself to one day restore this girl’s hope. She may hope for rescue, but chances are, she has shut herself off completely and no longer feels as a human being should. We have the ability to hope FOR her. We can HOPE for her RESCUE and RESTORATION. Either way you slice it, the situation isn’t without hope. Lastly, the impoverished family stuck with an incurable, life threatening disease may not seem like the most hope-filled situation, but there are doctors and aid workers laboring everyday to find a cure and provide anti-viral medicine to those affected with HIV/AIDS. I hope for a better future.

In the times when it’s the most difficult to find good, HOPE!

So I know that my happy colors, silly title, and picture of a puppy are pretty surface level and doesn’t probably make you hope for better than what is current, but it’s an attempt. It’s my HOPE that you feel a CALL TO ACTION instead of getting down in the dumps and defeated by evil. If I have to keep the happy colors, silly title, and the Daily Puppy to remind you there is good in this world, then I’ll do just that. It’s not my severe ADD, it’s my HOPE for you as a reader.

And now, my cute puppy:

How could that keep you from hope?

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