Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Post

I have now entered the world of blogging.... at first, I didn't think I would be a fan of blogging, but now I think I'll like it.  I enjoy sharing what I learn about human rights issues, poverty solutions, microfinance, and action items to be taken that will make a difference. This blog will be about human rights issues, observervations of the world, ideas on how to make it a better place, my adorable dog, and the places I find my joy.A lot of it will be my synthesis of an articles, books, movies, etc..

I will start of by blog by sharing my post-Thailand synopsis letter. I went on my first mission trip to Pattaya, Thailand in March 2010 and got a first hand glance of how human trafficking and prostitution have destroyed so much beauty in Thailand. It's safe to say that the trip dramatically changed my life. Please read my very vulnerable synopsis of my experience.

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