Friday, August 12, 2011

Free at Last!!

Today was my last day working at Costco Corporate and it was so bittersweet. I realized what a comfort that job gave me (however challenging it was) and what I'm truly giving up... and it's quit a bit. It isn't, however, enough to keep me here. I feel so much that I have a greater calling to make a lasting impression on the lives of those who've been forgotten and tossed away. So, I got all of my doctor and dentist appointments taken care of and refilled all my prescriptions. I'm taking the risk, stepping out in faith, and hoping that I'll be okay.

Now, there is no turning back.

I have my ticket, my visa, and I'm packing my bags. I'm so ready for this next adventure. There is so much peace in my heart that this is what I must do... and I'm so honored to be apart of this movement. For those of you who have been walking along side of me through this journey, Thank you! Your support means so much to me!