Tuesday, January 25, 2011

“Sex is not as sacred as it once was.”

We live in an over-sexed society. America, the land of the free, is home of those who hope for a better life, the “American Dream”, and the same issues that plague the rest of the world: Human Trafficking. We have done a great job of covering up the fact that human trafficking happens here in the “land of the free” mainly because who wants to really dive into a dark issue like this? We want to think, “This doesn’t happen here” but don’t go beyond opening our eyes to the media and how women are exploited every day whether it is obvious or subliminal. As I’ve previously stated, we don’t have the luxury of shutting our eyes and plugging our ears. When innocence is taken away from children, we don’t have the LUXURY to not stand up for them.
I could go on and on about this issue… but the point I would like to make today is how our “sex industry” directly supports human trafficking. Please watch the video and read the article linked below. You can’t tell me that “Prostitution is a choice” for all women. You can’t tell me that “Prostitution doesn’t hurt anyone.” I personally believe it hurts the men as well by not encouraging them to be as strong, powerful, and honorable as they were made to be. That’s another issue that I will get into later. For now, just please pay special attention to the last girl speaking from the Bunny Ranch. Understand that at one point in her life, sex WAS sacred. It’s meant to be sacred. She knows that, but she can’t get past her circumstances to understand that redemption is possible. We all can accept the gift of redemption and grace. The tears that she cries keeps me going on my fight against human trafficking. She is a BEAUTIFUL daughter of the KING and she deserves to understand the redemptive power of Jesus in her life.

Please read and watch.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Daily Puppy

I decided that since the topics I write about are so dark, I needed something to brighten the mood a bit... so I added the "Daily Puppy" gadget at the bottom of the page. After reading about child prostitution, human trafficking, extreme poverty, and the general sadness of the world, I feel it's important to remember HOPE. My biggest symbol for hope (besides Jesus- and I understand that not all my readers are Christians) is a puppy. They are cute and remind you that things aren't so bad because cute things live and walk on this earth. It's a pretty pointless addition to the blog, but hopefully it will at least make you smile :)